We value positive relationships with parents and carers to help develop better social and emotional skills in children. We know that when children are engaged with their learning, they attend school more regularly, leading to better long term outcomes.
For parenting and counselling services, visit the Family Support page, and for direction and clarity on regulations, processes and procedures at our school, read the Sydney Catholic School policies.
St Paul of the Cross Catholic Primary School Dulwich Hill communicates regularly with parents through a weekly newsletter and the Compass communication platform. The Compass app has many features including, receiving notes for excursions, simple notification of student absence and viewing school reports. Our dedicated teachers provide personalised learning for their students by knowing their students and how they learn. This is made possible by wellbeing meetings, phone calls and face to face meetings with parents throughout the year enabling us to work together as partners in learning.
The school assembles on Monday morning to recognise student achievement and celebrate success, parents are invited to join us. Parents are given opportunities throughout the year to visit classrooms, including a ‘Meet the Teacher Night’ held at the beginning of the school year. Harmony Day and our Science Expo are significant events where parents are invited to share in student learning experiences.
Parents are provided with opportunities to be actively involved in their child’s education by assisting on excursions, at sporting events, in school celebrations and fundraising events.